Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Blog ate my homework!

[NOTE: due to some comment-spam on my last entry (which I have since deleted), I haved turned on "word verification" for comments.]

When I was composing my previous blog entry, something very frustrating happened: The blog ate my homework!

I frequently save intermediate drafts of my blog entries before I publish them. I had been working on my most recent draft for a couple hours. I'd been finalizing many of the sentences and paragraphs, making sure the flowed, checking the word usage, spellchecking, adding and verifying links, and then ... when I was finally ready to publish, I hit the publish button on the blogger compose window, and it asked me to login again. When I did, my final edits were GONE! I'd just lost two hours worth of work.

My first thought was ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! My next thought was "no freakin' WAY did that just happen to ME!" Then much profanity ensued (at least in my own silent frustration) and I tried my darndest to look thru any and all temp files and saved files on my system and on, all for naught. I had indeed fallen victim to one of the most basic things that CM is supposed to help me prevent. How infuriating! How frustrating! How embarrassing. I was most upset not about the lost text, but about the lost time!

I figure there must be a lesson in there somewhere to pass along. Ostensibly, the most obvious lesson would be to use the Private Versions pattern as outline in my book. The thing is ... I had been doing just that! It was in the very act of saving my in-progress draft (before publishing it) that my changes were lost.

What I could (and possibly should) have done instead was not use blogger's composer to compose my drafts. I could have done it locally instead, on my own machine (and my own spellchecker). And perhaps I will do that a bit more from now on. Still, it's pretty convenient to compose it with blogger because"
  • I get rapid feedback as to what it will actually look like, and ...
  • I can access it from any machine (not just the one I use late at night)
I later realized why it happened. I was trying to do two things at once:
  • In one window I was composing my blog entry.
  • In another browser window I was visit webpages I wanted to hyperlink to from my entry and verifying the link.
Okay - so there's nothing wrong with that. I mean I was doing two things at the same time, but I wasn't really trying to multi-task because I was still trying to work on my blog-entry.

The real culprit wasnt that I had two windows open at the same time, it was that one of the webpages I wanted to hyperlink to was also a hosted blog-entry. And since I was positing a question in my entry that referred to this one, I also wanted to create a comment in the referred-to entry that asked the question and referenced back to my own blog.

Posting that comment caused me to have enter my blogger id and passwrod, and that essentially forced a new login - which made it look like my current login (where I was composing my entry) either ended, or had something unusual going on that warranted blogger wanting me to re-authenticate myself. And when it did, I lost my changes! OUCH!

Actually, I hadnt even posted the comment - I had only previewed it (saving it as a draft). Anyway - I was too upset (and it was too late at night) to try and recreate my change sthen. So I waited another day before doing it. I have to say Im not as happy with the result. I had really painstakingly satisfied myself with my wording and phrasing before I lost my changes. I wasn't as thorough the second time around because I wanted to be done with it!

So what was my big mistake? I was using private versions, and I wasn't trying to multi-task. I was in some sense trying to simultaneously perform "commits" of two different things at the same time, but they were to different "sections" of the same repository, so that really shouldn't have been such a terrible thing.

My big mistake wasn't so much a lack of good CM as it was a lack of good "agility": I let too much time lapse in between saving my drafts. I wasn't working in small enough batch-sizes (increments/iterations)!

Granted, I don't want to interrupt my flow of thought mid-sentence or mid-paragraph to do a commit. But certainly every time I was about to visit and verify another hyperlink in my other browser window, I should have at least saved my current draft before doing so. And I probably should have made sure I did so at least every 15-20 minutes. (You can be darn sure that's what I did this time around :-)

This sort of relates to how frequently someone should commit their changes in a version control system. Some of the SCM principles that I havent described yet will relate to this. Uncle Bob's Principles of Object-Oriented Design have a subset that are about "package cohesion" and granularity
  • REP: The Release Reuse Equivalency Principle -- The granule of reuse is the granule of release.

  • CCP: The Common Closure Principle -- Classes that change together are packaged together.

  • CRP: The Common Reuse Principle -- Classes that are used together are packaged together.
In the context of version control, these "packages of classes" would probably correspond to "packages of changes" that make up a single logical "change transaction" or "commit" operation. If that is a valid analogy, then I need to decide what "reuse" and "release" mean in this context:
  • I think "release" would mean to "promote" or "commit" my changes so they are visible to others using the same codeline.

  • I think "reuse" would mean ... hmmn that's a tough one! It could be many things. I think that if a change is to be reusable, it must be testable/tested. Other things come to mind too, but that's the first one that sticks.
So let's see what happens if I equate "release" with "commit", equate "reuse" with "test" and see if the result is coherent and valid. This would give me the following:
  • The Commit/Test Equivalency Principle -- The granule of test is the granule of commit.

  • The Change Closure Principle -- Files that change together are committed together.

  • The Test Closure Principle -- Files that are tested together are committed together (including the tests).
Comments? Thoughts? What do these mean to you? Does it mean anything more than using a task-level commit rather than individual file checkin? Should these always "hold true" in your experience? When shouldnt they? (and why?)

Oh - and feel free to suggest better names if you dont like the ones I used. I'm not going to supply abbreviations for these because, or name any blog-entries after them just yet because I'm not yet certain if they are even valid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just out of curiosity:
Where do you find the time to read and write so much, and well thought through?

Simple math: 8h work, 2h travels, 7h (trying to) sleep, 2h meals, 2h social life, 3h hobbies, ... 0h left. Or do you write while you work, travel, eat and is it your hobby?
