Friday, July 06, 2007

BOOK: Nanoconvergence

The book Nanoconvergence: The Unity of Nanoscience, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science is an utterly riveting short yet well researched, clear and concise text on the coming future of nanocomputing & botechnology and how it will pervade our everyday life every bit as much as barcodes and magnetic strips on credit/debit cards do today. It is both exciting and scary, and really makes you think about software security and quality attributes and regulatory standards and how much more of a role they must be required to play in this science-fiction-becomes-reality future.

I recommend this book, along with a slightly older one called It's Alive: The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology, and Business to get a really good understanding of what this all portends for the future of software and the business and economic ramifications (Think of Enterprise Architecture and how complex it is, then take it all down to the nano-level and meld it with biotech and cognitive science and cybernetics and man-machine interfaces. Then imagine the first Microsoft and Apple releases of the technology and try not to let your skin crawl while being utterly fascinated)

Then go check out

It hurts to even try to wrap my brain around what CM and things like "continuous integration" even mean and how they will be performed and executed in this "new frontier"

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