Thursday, December 15, 2005

Interface Segregation and Configuration Promotion

I've been thinking more about the Interface Segregation Principle (abbreviated as "ISP") from (Uncle) Bob Martin's Principles of Object-Oriented Design.

The "short version" of ISP in the initial article states that:
=> "Clients should NOT be forced to depend on interfaces that they do not use."

The summary of ISP in Uncle Bob's website says it differently:
=> "Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific."

In previous blog-entries, I've wondered how this might correctly translate into an SCM principle (if at all).
  • In Change-Packaging Principles, I wondered if maybe it corresponds to change-segregation or incremental integration: Make fine-grained incremental changes that are behavior-specific. (i.e., partition your task into separately verifiable/testable yet minimal increments of behavior.)

  • On the scm-patterns list I wondered if maybe it corresponds to composite baselines: composing baselines of other, more fine-grained baselines

  • Now I'm thinking maybe it corresponds to promotion lifecycle modeling and defining the promotion-levels in a promotion-lifecycle of a configuration-item (e.g., a build).
Why am I thinking this?

I guess I'm trying to go back to the basis of my means of comparison: configurations (and hence baselines) as "objects." If a configuration is an object, then what is an interface of a configuration, and what is a fine-grained interface (or "service")?

If I am thinking in terms of configuration building, then the interface for building the object (configuration) is the equivalent of Make/ANT "methods" and targets for a given item: (e.g., standard make targets like "clean", "all", "doc", "dist", and certain standard conventions for makeflags). That is certainly a plausible translation.

But if I am thinking in terms of baselining and supporting CM-mandated needs for things like reproducibility, repeatability, traceability, from the perspective of the folks who "consume" the baseline (it's clients), then maybe the different consumers of a baseline need different interfaces.

If those consumers end up each "consuming" the baseline at different times in the development lifecycle (e.g., coding, building, testing, etc.) then perhaps that defines what the promotion model and promotion levels should be for that configuration.

    What if they aren't at different times in the lifecycle? What if they are at the same time?
Then I guess it matters if the different consumers are interested in the same elements of the baseline. If they're not, maybe that identifies a need for composite baseline.

    What if they aren't at different times and aren't for different elements, but rather the same sets of elements?
Then maybe that identifies different purposes (and services) needed by different consumers for the same configuration at the same time. Building -versus- Coding might be one such example. Would branching -versus- labeling be another? (i.e. "services" provided by a configuration as represented by a "label" as opposed to by a "codeline", or a "workspace"?)

    What if no one of these is the "right" interpretation? What if it's ALL of them?
Then that would be very interesting indeed. If the result encompassed the interfaces/services provided by different Promotion-Levels, Make/ANT-targets, branch -vs- label -vs- workspace, then I don't even know what I would call such a principle. I might have to call it something like the Configuration ISP, or the Representation separation principle, or the manifestation segregation principle, or ....

What, if anything, do YOU think the ISP might mean when applied to Software CM and software configurations as represented by a build/label/codeline/workspace?

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